Thank you for joining us for Winter Spanks! Let’s warm up with some hot bottoms & cool prizes! Read on for a chance to win:
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Question: What is your favorite way to warm up in the winter?
Here is a story for your spanking pleasures because I love to write for you! You do not have to read in order to participate but I hope you do.
Update: To make sure everyone is counted I am not replying but I adore all your comments! You sure know how to make this girl feel special. I am so happy you are all enjoying the hop. :)
~~ WARNING the story below is not safe for work ~~
Update: To make sure everyone is counted I am not replying but I adore all your comments! You sure know how to make this girl feel special. I am so happy you are all enjoying the hop. :)
~~ WARNING the story below is not safe for work ~~
Kara felt her heart race as she took in the site of her
boyfriend with his arms crossed over his chest. It was just after the start of
the New Year and through her resolutions included more consideration she forgot
to text him about stopping for coffee with her friends. She meant to but when
the time flashed across her cell phone she made the decision to leave rather
than waste more time.
Brody didn’t look like the sort of man who would hold anyone
accountable with a hand hard as a paddle and a belt that left stripes after it
kissed her bottom but he was. It many ways Kara was the luckiest woman in the
world but not tonight.
Brody had not changed in his demeanor and she flushed and
focused on his brown eyes. They normally sparkled when locked on hers but now
they were dark chocolate and angry.
Kara opened her mouth to speak but closed it as she saw the
small hairbrush shaped paddle in his right hand. Kara had been rather forgetful
lately and it had been the third time this week she had failed to tell him
about her whereabouts. One of her
Christmas presents from Brody had been a clean slate. It hardly mattered now
with the promise of a spanking so close.
Brody was not a big or buff guy. He usually caught slack
from previous girlfriends and older relatives who stated he was too skinny.
Kara carried a little weight but it bothered her not him. Tonight he was going
to paddle her for her failure to tell him she planned on going out for a bit.
He had let it slide two other times already as he knew her class schedule was
tight this quarter but this was her third strike. “Did your cell phone battery
Kara looked down as the blood rushed to her cheeks and she
studied the tiles on the kitchen floor. She thought about the first time she had
approached Brody and asked him if wanted to be in charge after only two short
weeks of being in a relationship with him. He had laughed at first and she
remembered she had initially giggled back to play off the silly girl card when
he grabbed her to him and sat her in his lap. Brody had grabbed her chin and
whispered against her ear, “There was never question of that.”
Kara had nearly creamed her panties when he held her in such
a fashion but then just as quickly he had moved back and kissed her nose and
told her how cute she was. His appearance rated hot in their circle of friends
and any woman with eyes but he never acted cocky. “Kara.” Brody’s voice pulled
her back to the present and she snapped her head up.
“I’m sorry, no, my battery is just fine.” Kara bit the
inside of her cheek as he reached for her hand. She knew better than to
hesitate and fought a huff.
“Let’s go into the bedroom.” Brody’s voice was stern and
incredibly sexy at the same time. He knew at this point of the discussion Kara
usually had mixed emotions. Part of it was her extreme attraction to him. She
once confided that he could make her legs tremble from all the way across a
crowded room with one well placed glance.
Kara shuffled her feet as she held onto his hand and he
reached back and wrapped his arm around her. His touch made her wet in between
her thighs though the threat of the paddle loomed just over her head like a
dark cloud. She knew that he had let the first two times slide despite his
better judgment and she wished in that moment she had submitted to him prior.
“I really don’t want a spanking right now.”
Brody sighed as his hand touched the bedroom door and
twisted it open. “I should have addressed your lack of consideration when you
forgot to tell me you would be late the first two times.”
Kara pulled back from him and angry words flew from her
mouth, “The first time was because I got stuck in traffic and it would be
highly irresponsible of me to flip open my phone in the middle of the freeway
just to text you that-“Her mouth shut immediately as Brody shook his head.
“Kara, we came up with these rules together.” He stepped
inside and sank down into the black and gold comforter spread across their bed
and motioned for her to follow. “When we first got together you were about to
get evicted, you had unpaid bills, and living off the dollar menu. You could
never find any time for friends or family and your grades were slipping. You
told me to take the lead and begged me to hold you accountable this way.”
Kara sat down next to him and pulled her legs underneath
her. She stared into those gorgeous eyes of his and tried to come up with an
appropriate response. She had been craving that sort of attention since her
childhood but never found a way to ask for it. Brody refused to let her slip up
in any of her commitments, including bills or studies and never faltered when
it had to do with personal responsibility. It went even deeper when it came to
her self esteem and negative emotions.
“Kara, I can’t let this slide again. You mean too much to
me.” Brody took her hand and gently but firmly slid her over his lap. He
reached under her hips and unbuttoned the blue-black jeans to pull them down.
She turned over quickly and clutched the waistband. Usually Kara accepted the
punishment at this point, so what was it?
“Can you just spank me over them?” Kara had splurged last
week on a tattoo that danced across her lower back just above her tailbone. It
had been a good idea at the time especially since Brody had not spanked her in
several weeks. She arrogantly thought a few more weeks would go by until she
needed to tell him.
“What is going on with you tonight?” Brody pulled her up. “Tell me what the problem is.”
“I didn’t tell you about something that I went out and
bought and it wasn’t that expensive but I should have told you.” Kara bit her
lip. How much more trouble could she get into?
“Honey, just tell me
“I’m not in the mood to be spanked and these jeans are
tight, just let me go to bed.” She watched as the deeper meaning of her
statement hit him and his grip tightened around her waist.
“I have been patient with you tonight, but that’s it. Stand and take them off. Now.” Brody released
his hold to allow her to stand.
Something strange came over her and she jumped up and off
his lap. She pulled off her jeans in several breathy movements and threw them
at his face. “Make yourself two pairs!” Kara snapped and made her way out
of the bedroom. She stormed down the hallway and threw herself onto the couch.
She had no idea what the real root of the problem was but it was the first time
in over a year she had thrown such a tantrum.
Brody watched Kara stomp off with a vile tone to her words
but he remained on the bed. It would be pointless to attempt discipline with
the type of mood she was in and his had darkened to a point of anger. He would
never touch Kara when his head was not clear but he also tried to figure out
what had transpired in the few moments from the kitchen door to their room?
What was Kara holding inside? Was it the stress of her classes on top of the
part time job at the café?
Brody stood up as he formed a plan. He could not spank Kara at
the moment but her tantrum could not be ignored. What could he come up with to
show her that she was still responsible? His eyes drifted to the large sequined
box that held Kara’s favorite playthings. Kara had always liked the treasures
housed inside but tonight she was going to see how creative he could be.
Kara flipped the television on but her attention kept going
back to Brody. Why did he not follow her out here? Why had he not grabbed her
when she stood and proceed to spank her as promised? A large knot formed in her
stomach and she grew uneasy. Why was I so
disrespectful? I could have just told
him about the tattoo. I know it would have been all right. Kara glanced at the hallway again. What if I pushed him too far this time?
Kara’s face grew hot and wet as unexpected tears poured down
and over her cheeks. How could she have spoken to him like that? He had
literally saved her from being kicked out into the street and had done
everything to push her towards positive goals and achieve them.
She wiped pitifully at her cheeks and peeked at the
hallway. A strong set of footsteps echoed up the hardwood floor in the hall and
she returned her attention to the screen. She did not want to see the
disappointment undoubtedly etched in his handsome face.
Brody said nothing as he walked over to the television and turned
it off. He took in the sight of Kara’s red face and tears but had to address
the matter without delay. He produced a tissue with a flourish and carefully
dried her eyes. He extended his hand and waited.
Kara drew a sharp breath at the sight of his outstretched
palm. She raised an eyebrow up at him and set her hand in his. “But-“She started
to say but he held a finger to her lips.
“We’ll talk about it later.” In moments they were headed
back to the bedroom. He could feel the tremble of her hand beneath his and he
pulled her to him immediately. “I would never do anything to hurt you, Kara.”
She stammered out while her heart raced. She was concerned he had much darker
things in mind than just a paddle.
Brody let go and reached behind her. He easily unclasped the
hooks of her bra and let it spill out into his hands. Kara immediately drew her
hands up to cover her breasts but he swatted at them until she let go.
It was not modesty that brought Kara’s hands up, but her
notion of an imperfect body because of her weight and it retracted from how
sexy she was. He slid a finger into
either side of the waistband of her panties and removed them effortlessly.
Kara squeaked as he stripped her. He was not in a sexy mood
and she could not pinpoint what his motives were. “But-“She started again.
Brody took great care to wrap one long piece of her dark
chestnut-brown hair around his hand before he pulled her close to him. “No more
Kara gasped from the tug but shut her mouth. She recalled
one particular dinner party where a friend had opened up and told the group she
was submissive to her dominant boyfriend. The group had taken the information
with a grain of salt until Brody raised the point that if you were truly meant
to be submissive a real Dom would demand respect even if you did not belong to
The dinner party had broken into a heated debate about what
it really meant to be submissive and whether a woman should ever submit to a
man or vice versa. Her friend had finally stated her boyfriend made it clear she
was to be respectful, not submissive to anyone he told her to. Brody, to prove
the point, told their friend to sit down and she did immediately thereby ending
the debate. It had not been planned;
this particular friend was even more submissive than her and could not help but
listen to the delicious twang of authority in his tone.
The rest of the room had fallen silent after that though it
was brought up a lot when just the women hung out with each other. They had
grown immensely jealous of her relationship. How did she find someone so
attractive with a study income who demanded the attention of everyone in the
room? Kara always changed the subject
afterwards. She wondered so many times how they ended up together.
Brody led her over to the bed by her hair. He bent her at
the waist until her arms were on the bed and her butt was in the air. He felt
she was still not in the right mindset to accept his method of discipline
especially after the additional temper tantrum.
He picked up a strap on anal plug stolen from her box of
toys. It was one that they had meant to try at some point but their sexual
intimacy had also suffered lately. He liberally
applied lubricant and deftly inserted the plug into Kara’s tight ass.
A cool gel tickled her ass moments before a plug slid deep inside.
It met little resistance but she clenched and groaned as the sensation brought
her back to the present.
Brody pulled at the band to test it as she squirmed. “Stand
Kara straightened and turned around. She opened her mouth to protest when he popped
a small red ball gag in. As mortified as she had been to be plugged in her ass,
the new sensation of the rubber in between her cheeks and tongue distracted
from the slight humiliation.
“Kara, I want you to
stand here and think about what it does to me when you put yourself down.” Brody
led her to the corner and stood her against the wall. “You are beautiful and sexy and I want to be
with you. This is on top of the punishment for not contacting me earlier.” He laid
two good smacks on her ass. “Put your hands behind your back and lace your
fingers together.”
Kara felt wetness on her cheeks from the tears streaming
down her face. It was not the burn from his
hand but the guilt she felt from the tantrum. She quickly put her hands behind
her as instructed.
“Good girl.” Brody whispered against her ear. Kara stood
straighter after his word of praise and he ran his hand over the top of her
intertwined fingers to assure her he would be back. He wanted to stay in the
room so she would not feel abandoned but he had to make it clear her behavior
was not acceptable.
He admired her beautiful curves for a moment longer before
he stepped to the door. Kara’s body was such a sensitive topic and it boggled
his mind as to where her self esteem issues stemmed from. His gaze lingered on her shapely butt with
the plug inserted deep inside then he stepped into the hall.
Brody left the door open and glanced down at his watch. He
could not move far as this was the first time Kara ever had the gag in place.
It was risky enough to have her turned away in the corner without eye contact
and he made a mental note to go back in five minutes.
He leaned up against the wall and jabbed his fingers through
his hair. Why is Kara pushing me so hard tonight?
He had already seen
the tattoo when he had observed the wince in her movements while it healed. The
plug, gag, and corner time had nothing to do with the expense of her body art.
If anything he loved when she came back with more. It added such beauty to her
already sexy features. Mystified at her behavior Brody straightened and walked back into the bedroom with
two minutes to go.
Kara heard footsteps behind her but could do little to
present herself in any fashion but a mess. Her eyes burned from the flow of
tears. She felt his strong hands on her and was turned around.
Brody removed the gag from Kara’s mouth and led her to the
bed. He set her down and carefully wiped her face and nose. She dropped her
eyes and he caught her chin in his hand. “I will not let you slide on the rules
again, is that clear?”
Kara’s heart raced as he gripped her chin and she let out a
choked sob. “Yes, yes, it is clear.” The care and tenderness showed even with a
punishment boggled her mind.
He moved to the dresser and pulled out a soft pair of black
yoga pants and a grey v neck sleep top. He handed them to her. “Put these on then
we’re going to go eat dinner. Afterwards you can come back in here and go to
Kara inhaled sharply but said nothing. If she were to make a
comment about being fine without dinner he would spank her despite his mood.
She stood up and reached for the strap on the plug on.
“Leave it.” Brody admonished and took Kara’s hands in his.
“This will stay in place until I remove it after your spanking in the morning.” He let go of her and
stepped back. “I’m going to go heat up dinner. I expect you to follow.”
Kara bit her lip as he strode to the door and out into the
hallway. The delicious tone of authority just under his breath made her
Explanation: This is a different style for me that I am trying out. I hope you enjoyed it!
I am offering a $10 gift certificate to Blushing Books randomly picked from my visitors. Please stop by the rest of the blogs.
I like hot chocolate cuddling and fuzzy socks to stay warm in the winter
ReplyDeleteI loved the story Adaline, very, very hot. Favourite way to warm up when there are so many? That's a tough one, it depends on the circumstances :D But if there is time and privacy it's hard to beat a hot bubblebath followed by a cuddle under the duvet.
Whoa. That was HOT. Thank you, Addy! (Being led to the bed by the hair is now firmly on my wishlist).
ReplyDeleteFavourite way of warming up? In perfect fantasy world, with a thorough, sob-inducing, please-no-more, ass-on-fire spanking and a good hard seeing-to, wrists tied to the headboard. In real world, with a nice hot chocolate in front of the fire :)
Oh for fluff's sake. Sorry! :/ spankingpenelope@gmail.com
DeleteI did enjoy - good story. Thanks
Hawt!!!! Enjoyed the story!!! I stay warm in the winter by snuggling up on the couch with a nice warm blanket and a good book!! bw2323bro@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteWow the story was good and hot. My favorite way to warm up is a nice hot bath followed by a snuggle with my husband.
ReplyDeleteOMG, HOT! Favorite way to warm up - why, a spanking of course. I'm serious. Nothing gets me hotter (in all ways) then a spanking and I can be totally naked in a freezing cold room!! TMI, sorry...
ReplyDeleteI love to warm up in a sauna. Then some hot chocolate with marshmallows and whip cream. MMMMMM
ReplyDeletelacrimsonfemme at gmail dot com
Great story Addy. As for warming up, it's pretty hard to beat hot chocolate. Bed's also a pretty good option :)
ReplyDeleteheated blankets and hot showers are my favorite- with the close second of cuddling with my Chyna dog (mentioned in my Winter Spanks story) lol.
ReplyDeleteauthorjoellecasteel at excite dot com
Very HOT! Great story Addy! I do enjoy a cup of peppermint scnapps and hot chocolate to warm up. Thanks thecoverartisan@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteWell done story, Addy. I like the dichotomy between their two body types -- no one is perfect, after all. I like to snuggle with my honey best, but another way to warm up is a little cocktail. That'll take the shivers away. Pig@patriciagreenbooks.com
ReplyDeleteHot story, loved it. I have tons of ways to warm up. Most are kinda kinky but still.
Very, very nice! Would love to read more! My favorite way to warm up is definitely NSFW. Hot, tawdry sex, the kind that leaves you wondering where things got to. LIke "Where's my bra?" or "Why is there catnip in the shower?"
Thanks for a very good story Addy! One of my favorite ways to warm up is hot chocolate or hot cider and cuddled up in a quilt. ;)
Cat catsbrighteyes at gmail dot com
I agree with Trish, Addy. They are so different and yet so well-matched. Great story. Fun to read. I love to warm up with a good snuggle as well, though hot chocolate with liqueurs and whipped cream can make me toasty and frisky.
Loved the story. Favorite way to warm up in the winter is Baileys in coffee. Thanks
Mmm, Brody, great name, great excerpt!! ghwasd at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteWow! That was steamy. I think my new favorite way to warm up on a cold night is to read your blog :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love that you said "She nearly creamed her panties." It made me smile.
That was a great story. Different is good!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite way to warm up is with a hot cup of tea, under the covers, reading a book!
ooopssss! forgot email!
Nice story
ReplyDeleteSit in front of a fire
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Fuzzy socks, cozy jammies, hot toddies, Those are all fun ways to warm up!
ReplyDeleteThat was a hot story! I love to drink hot chocolate while I'm covered up with a blanket on the couch! This is an awesome blog! Thanks for being in the blog hop!
ReplyDeletetammyfaris1966 at gmaildotcom
My favorite way to warm up in the winter is with a good book and some hot cocoa! ghwasd at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI loved the way he decided to handle her meltdown and I really enjoyed reading about the dinner party as well! I would love to read more about these two! My favorite way to warm up is with a warm drink, a cat in my lap, and a good book. The other way involved hubby and some steamy romance. corinnealexander4@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteNot safe for work, indeed, LOL. Hot story, Adaline! Really enjoyed it. My favorite way to warm up in the winter is to stay in my jammies and read while drinking lots of coffee. authorsuelyndon at gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis story we'd just right for me at the mo - I had a tattoo in exactly that spot just two days ago - at his initiative, I must stress, a mark of ownership that makes me melt!
ReplyDeleteI use that "quicker just to go than text" reasoning all the time, never works for me either!
To warm up? PJ's, mulled wine, roaring fire.
Is it hot in here or is it just me? For warming up nothing in my opinion beats hot, sweaty, dirty sex where by the time your finished you don't know which way is up or out or even if you still are in the same zip code.
Great story, Addy. I particularly like it when a story deals with body issues/self-esteem.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite way to warm up...a hot bath.
I loved your story, Addy. I loved how Brody wouldn't let things slide. Thanks for the warning about reading it at work!
I loved this story glad your decided to try something different! This is exactly my favorite thing to do in the winter. I loved to set on the sofa all bundled up to read books that also warm me up. Thanks for sharing
Wow, Addy! I really liked this story! Are you going further with it? I loved these two. So perfectly suited for each other!!
ReplyDeleteI like to snuggle in my lazy chair, with a big glass of wine, chocolate, a fluffy blanket, and my nook.
You already know what I like to read! ;)
Great story!
Katherinedeane40 at gmail dot com
Enjoyed the story thanks :) As for warming up ... decisions, decisions. Best of all is to lie on the rug in front of a log fire ... with my guy - or if he's not available, the cat will do ... she likes snuggling :D
I loved your story, warming up would be my blanket, husband and hot tea - not exactly in that order.
sabai30705 at yahoo dot com
Love the new direction you are trying. I stay warm with my heated throw blanket, my puppies, and a good book.
ReplyDeletelburger1908 at gmail dot com
UMMM...I like the commenter who said a sauna. That and hot tubs are great ways to warm up in the winter. I like tea or hot cider outside at the fire pit with my hubby.
ReplyDeletecapefearlibn at gmail dot com
Great story, Addy! My favorite way to get warm is a super hot shower, followed by cozy pjs and fuzzy socks!
Mmmm yum!!! I do love a good long hot soak in a bubble bath and the curling up under the covers with my ginat dog and a good book. (and yes my dog has to be under the covers as well.)
ReplyDeleteVery nice! Are you going to write the rest of their story?
ReplyDeleteI'm warming up right now in my fleece pjs, with a soft blanket and 3 warm dogs :)
Oops. Forgot my email:
I like to warm up in front of the fire with a good book.
Very loving and warm- thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI loved that story! Please keep up writing in this area, definitely. As for staying warm, fuzzy socks, blankies and someone special to snuggle with!
ReplyDeletekfemme at sbcglobal dot net
The best way to stay warm during the winter is snuggling with my honey (clothes not allowed :).)
ReplyDeletenmc69 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
I like to cuddle before a roaring fire with my honey, some wine gives me added warmth, and a freshly spanked bottom is the perfect winter's evening. maddietaylorromance@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am sitting with an eggnog with southern comfort and an electric throw for the couch and my chihuahuas on my lap.
Love the gag! And I stay warm by snuggling up with my DH - he's always so warm.
ReplyDeletenormandiealleman (at) yahoo (dot) com
And thank you for making these lovely banners for the hop!
DeleteWarm blankie by the fire, doesn't get any better than that! And the story - wow!
I love cuddling up in a soft warm blanket. Then i break out a hot, smoking romance and sit back and enjoy! Im as happy as can be and very, very warm! hehe! Thank you!!
I know this is over but I had to come check out your story it was awesome I hope this is the start of a story You did a hot awesome Job great short story please add me to your email list so I will know when your nexy story comes out I have read some of your other stuff and it is great this is also very good way to go ....... Thanks Angel